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Hubber Stories: Marilu Germscheid

Tell us about yourself Marilu Germscheid. What moves you?

I was born in Düsseldorf, Germany, and I have a degree in International Management with honors from Franklin University Switzerland in Lugano. Particularly needy children have always been my greatest interest, so I began my career supporting 200 street children in Brazil and later in Indonesia for development aid programs. Over the years I have also gained experience in banking and, fascinated by microcredit and social business, I had the opportunity to meet Prof. Yunus 2011 at his office in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Since then, I have remained close to the Yunus Center and have voluntarily participated in Social Business Summits around the world. In recent years, Prof. Yunus has expressed a desire to get closer to young people, and since this is a topic close to my heart, I decided to write a book about it.

Microcredit and social business: what is it all about?

The economic principle of micro-credit and social-business, have always fascinated me: I see them as unique tools to bring about change and they have, in my opinion, the potential to bring about greater balance in the world. Lending money to the poorest, on trust and without collateral, with 99.99 percent repayment is incredible-this repayment rate does not even exist in traditional banks. Yunus strongly carries this concept forward as well as argues that social business is a humane and sustainable way of carrying out a project, also doing good for society and not just the company. I am grateful to have been able to meet him. He has shaped my life and so I want to pass on his message to as many people as possible in the hope that they will realize their dreams.

You recently published the book, "Making Dreams into Your Realities - The Power ofDreams," about the project of Nobel Peace Prize winner Professor Muhammad Yunus. Who is this volume aimed at and what message does it intend to convey?

The book is based on original writings and speeches by Professor Yunus, who endorsed the book. It gives in summary a complete understanding of the Nobel laureate's themes and theories, and can be read and used by anyone of any age. The purpose is to make us aware of our potential, which is unlimited. The intent is to encourage young people that it is possible to overcome any challenge, even the most difficult ones, and change the world into one in which they are proud to live. According to Yunus, humanity needs a new direction in which to progress guided by the Sustainable Development Goals.

The book talks extensively about how important it is for young people to "create the world they wish to live in" and introduces the concept of 3ZERO Club. What exactly is it and why is it important?

Professor Muhammad Yunus, launched the 3ZERO Club, an initiative to realize his vision of a three-zero world: zero net carbon emissions, zero concentration of wealth to end poverty, and zero unemployment by unleashing entrepreneurship in everyone. 3 goals out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations, for which he is an ambassador. All clubs are registered and led by the 3 ZERO Global Center of which Professor Yunus is the lead advisor. The 3ZERO Club (3Z Club) offers young people the opportunity to take action and join a global network to create a world they want to live in.

The mission of the 3Z Club is to inspire and enable young people to conceive, create and lead with an entrepreneurial spirit to solve the most pressing social and environmental problems of our time. Anyone from anywhere in the world, from any walk of life can be a 3Z Club member or create a 3Z Club. Each 3Z Club consists of a fixed number of five young people between the ages of 12 and 35. The age difference between the oldest and youngest members within a club cannot exceed seven years. The common goal of all clubs is to connect with each other to have a greater impact and achieve the goal faster. A 3Z Club is a constant source of joy, excitement and no action is insignificant if it aims to change the world. Turning imagination into small actions is the core strategy of 3Z Clubs.

About the book

The book is available worldwide on Amazon, KDP, in bookstores in

Germany and several in Switzerland and soon on my website.

If anyone would like to collaborate, distribute or translate the book into their own language, they are warmly invited to get in touch with me:

Further information can be found on my web:


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